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Paul & Sandra Kimber
Paul was brought up in a Christian home, saved at the age of 10 and baptised at 14. When he left school, he went into the retail music industry, and in 1981 opened his own music shop in Fareham, Hampshire. In his Christian life, he has always been heavily involved in youth work, and from the age of 17, taught in Sunday Schools and Christian youth groups. He studied with the Emmaus Bible School, taking many different correspondence courses, and from his late teens, began travelling around local churches preaching God's Word. In 1995 he was asked to become the Pastor of Drift Road Evangelical Church; his aim in life is to serve God and the people well in correctly expounding and teaching the Word of God. He is married to Sandra and they have 3 sons.

Andrew and Evadne Marsh 

First visited Drift Rd Evangelical Church in October 2003 and were made extremely welcome by the whole fellowship. Andrew says: Although I was brought up in a Christian household I had never experienced the reality of forgiveness and peace with Christ until after about a year or so after going to the Church. I became convicted in 2008 of the need of being baptised and was baptised as I only had been baptised as an infant before. My desire now is to serve the Lord in a practical way in the Church and to preach the way of salvation and tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ whenever possible.

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